
The price of the immune system in fighting disease

immune system

As our defense mechanism against disease, our immune system is the foundation for maintaining good health. Every time a bacterium or virus attacks us. Our immune system sends troops to defend the door to health and stop the disease from spreading. Globulin is a cell that circulates blood and attacks evil invaders.

While lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells) patrol the body to control and remove any foreign bodies. Immune B cells are circulating globulins, called immunoglobulins, also called antibodies. We can divide them into five groups, each of which responsible for a specific task of defending the body. For example, some antibodies will target bacteria and viruses in the blood, while others will prevent allergies.

Immune T cells attack viruses and foreign body tissues. You may have seen this German farmer who lost both hands in a combine and therefore received a two-arm transplant. This feat is one of the biggest problems in preventing the body from rejecting unfamiliar weapons. This rejection by T cells, which destroy various invaders while remembering their properties. It makes T Cells are more effective at resisting invaders, and this is how our immune system develops.

Our immune system depends on our B cells and T cells’ ability and ability to recognize nasty bacteria or viruses. Their ability to fight against them, although we can sometimes use antibiotics, etc. Help it. Now you may wonder if our immune system so good, why is the common cold recurring so often? Because certain viruses (such as colds) mutate and change their appearance, which means our immune system cannot recognize it. That’s why the flu vaccine is available: flu is another mutant virus. It replaces flu vaccines every year to deal with the latest mutations.

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For some unfortunate people, several genetic diseases can cause their immune systems to fail. This caused by a chromosomal abnormality, which means insufficient production of antibodies against globulin, T lymphocytes, or both. Here, the consequences can be severe. Since other people’s globulins can feed to patients, we can spare them the lack of immunoglobulins. However, white blood cell deficiency is more severe, and anyone with the disease dies from a viral infection.

Immune Defence

As you can see, the body’s immunity to certain forms of infection is an important protection against disease and illness. This could humble the distinction between existence and death. It is important to strengthen our immune system as much as possible. To help prevent childhood illnesses, even from an early age.

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